Make Better Connections With New Group Video Chat

Today, we’re launching group video chat so you can start instant group video calls in your Workplace Chat group with the click of a button.

video chat - Workplace from Meta

Today, we’re launching group video chat so you can start instant group video calls in your Workplace Chat group with the click of a button.

A few weeks ago we announced the launch of the Workplace Chat desktop app and said that group video chat would be coming soon. And here it is! Group video chat is now available for everyone on desktop and mobile.

Together. Wherever you are

Together. Wherever you are

Workplace Chat is simple and familiar. And it’s more than text and messaging. It already comes with video and voice chat, and unlimited file sharing and includes features like message reactions, @mentions, and gifs that keep the conversation fun but focused.

And now we’re introducing group video calling to Workplace Chat. Choose to make a reliable video call directly from your text chat at the touch of a button. And join people and teams together wherever they are in the world.

Make your first group video call. Download Workplace Chat for free here.

How does it work?

How does it work?

Group video chat is available through Workplace Chat on the desktop and mobile apps. You can also use it with Chrome on the web. To make a group video call, create a chat group and click the video button to start a video chat with your team. Take a look at our short video to learn more about how it works.

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